Maida: the white poison in your food

Maida is made from wheat.
Wheat seed has three parts.
Bran. It so where most the fibre is.
Germ. It is the nutrient that Wil sprout in a wheat plant.
Endosperm. It is the largest part of the grain.

Maida is prepared from only the endosperm, it does not contain any nutrients and is only
carbohydrate or sugar.

‘Maida is made from the endosperm of the grain. The bran is separated from the
germ and endosperm which is then refined by passing through a sieve of 80 mesh per
inch (31 mesh per centimetre).

Although naturally yellowish due to pigments present in wheat, maida is typically
bleached with any of a number of flour bleaching agents calcium peroxide, benzoyl
peroxide, Chlorine, NO2, Chlorine dioxide, Azodicarbanamide, potassium bromate.

Maida and sugar is the real culprit in increasing diabetes and cancer in India.
Maida releases high sugar into blood streams while eating thus, spikes sudden sugar content in the body affecting the working of pancreas, making our body prone to diabetes.
Bleaching chemicals used in bleaching causes serious threats to health like effects on kidneys, type2 diabetes, cancer in continuous usage.

Thus, maida is a slow poison in our food, must avoid in our diet for a healthy family!

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