REFINED OILS: A big poison in food industry

Refined oil is often advertised as a gateway to good health. We see a flashy show of a person struggling to function. However, they suddenly start livingtheir best life as soon as they start using said refined oil. While refining might mean purifying, the process of refining oil isn’t as appealing. The crude oil is acid-treated, or bleached. It is also neutralised, filtered, or
deodorized all of which require the use of chemicals. PUFAs that don’t maintain up to elevated temperatures are generated during this process.

Oil is an important ingredient in our food but why is refined oil widely consumed in comparison to other oils even though it is harmful to our health?

The answer is:-

  • Refined oil is priced lower in comparison to organic and cold-pressed oil
  • It is consistent in terms of colour and odour
  • It has a longer shelf life
  • High budget advertisement

Why did the production of refined oils start?

In the initial times of oil production, extraction was done by the natural method of cold pressing however there were many seeds such as soya bean, corn, sunflower seeds, canola, etc whose oil cannot be extracted using the technique of cold pressing. As these oils were increasing demand, machinery was set up to chemically extract oil from the seeds.
Since this process required less time and could be mass-produced, the technique soon spread to the production of oil from other seeds such as groundnut, sesame which were earlier cold-pressed. This resulted in higher quantity rather than quality.

In the initial times of oil production, extraction was done by the natural method of cold pressing however there were many seeds such as soya bean, corn, sunflower seeds, canola, etc whose oil cannot be extracted using the technique of cold pressing. As these oils were increasing demand, machinery was set up to chemically extract oil from the seeds.
Since this process required less time and could be mass-produced, the technique soon spread to the production of oil from other seeds such as groundnut, sesame which were earlier cold-pressed. This resulted in higher quantity rather than quality.

Quality vs. Quantity

Chemicals used/mixed with oil while refining includes:

  • Sodium Hydroxide
  • Phosphoric Acid
  • Bleaching Earth or Activated Carbon
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Citric Acid

These are the Harmful chemicals used in the process of refining the oils.

Just think of the price of 1-litre peanut oil and the price of its core ingredient 1 kg peanuts. This is because refined oil has low-quality harmful petroleum constituents whose contamination cannot be checked with naked eyes resulting in cheaper prices on the cost of
affecting your health.

How refined oils kills you & your family!

To accomplish the need for a longer shelf life, the oils are subjected to a hydrogenation process in which liquid unsaturated fat is turned into solid fat by adding hydrogen to it resulting in excess production of trans fat in the oil which has an adverse effect. In the process of extraction of vegetable oils from plants, high heat, pressure, and chemical solvents are used. Thus, the oils oxidize and become rancid, as well as lose many or all of their properties. This renders them toxic. Regular consumption of refined oil may lead to cancer, Diabetes Mellitus (DM), gastrointestinal disease, atherosclerosis, obesity, reproductive issues, and immune dysfunction.

Effect on Heart and Brain

The high temperatures applied during the refining process remove all the valuable and natural elements from them. Instead, it increases the amount of trans fat which is known to increase bad LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and insulin levels and reduces beneficial HDL cholesterol. All of these LDL and trans fats get deposited within arteries causing plaque formation. A buildup of plaque can narrow these arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart.
Eventually, the reduced blood flow may cause chest pain (angina), shortness of breath, or other coronary artery disease signs and symptoms. A complete
blockage can cause a heart attack. If the plaque ruptures it obstructs the
blood supply to the brain causing a stroke.

Effect on Gastrointestinal Health

Omega 6 and Omega 3 are significant fats necessary for brain development, hormone production, cellular health, and the immune system. It is necessary to have these fats in proper balance. The correct ratio of omega 3 and 6 are from 1:4 to 1:2. Unfortunately, the refined oils contain a ratio almost closer to 20:1. Researchers have found that excess consumption of omega 6 has harmful effects on gut health and can cause inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, and immune cell damage. Hence our diet should be rich in omega 3
for better gut health as they are anti-inflammatory in nature.

Carcinogenic Effect

Previous studies have shown that Trans fats have been seen to increase women’s risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, and many other types of cancers as well.

Adulterant Palm Oil

You would be astonished to know one of the adulterants which are mainly used is palm oil. Palm oil constitutes 40-50% of refined oil and palm oil has a very high content of saturated fats which are extremely harmful to our health. We are consuming it every day and night without being aware of it. Oils that are easily available at a cheap rate such as palm oil, cottonseed oil, etc are mixed with other oils for increasing the production by very low investment, leading to higher profit for the manufacturers and the loss of your health.

This oil contamination practice is commonly known as oil blending which is happening across the industry. It is highly commercialized and even the regulating bodies such as FSSAI do not curb this practice. This commercial pattern has dominated the market despite the hazardous effects it has on health.

Listing Refined Oils

Many refined oils are unhealthy. Following is a list of some commonly used refined oils you must avoid.

  • Cottonseed Oil
  • Palm Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Safflower Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Corn/Soybean Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Rapeseed Oil
  • Grapeseed Oil

“Regular consumption of refined oil leads to heart attacks, cancer, Diabetes Mellitus (DM), gastrointestinal disease, atherosclerosis, obesity, reproductive issues, and immune dysfunction.”

Oils We Should Include:

  • Cold-pressed oils
  • Coconut oil
  • Virgin coconut oil
  • Olive oil

Nowadays, based on health concerns, oil-free diets are largely accepted by people. With an oil-free diet, one must keep in mind that they meet their intake requirements for essential fatty acids as well as all fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients. Fats and oils can help nutrient absorption from a meal, especially unrefined fats are essential to lead a healthy lifestyle as they enhance our immune and endocrine systems, are needed for energy, and play an important role in bone health.

So, you must stop using chemically processed petroleum products mixed refined oils now and start using naturally cold pressed oils to protect your family!

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